Apr 2023

Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology – Could this be used to provide energy for protected cropping?

Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology – Could this be used to provide energy for protected cropping?
Gaia’s biodigester to assist AgVic’s Ellinbank SmartFarm to become the world’s first carbon-neutral grazing-based dairy farm

Gaia EnviroTech has been awarded a tender from the Victorian Government to install cutting-edge Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology and deliver related services at the Ellinbank SmartFarm in Gippsland, Victoria. The Ellinbank SmartFarm is a commercial dairy farm currently home to a herd of 450 cows that graze pasture year-round.

Gaia EnviroTech’s CEO, Michael Renehan, is pleased with this news, “this is a significant milestone for Gaia EnviroTech, we will be able to showcase our technology to farmers, industry experts, agribusinesses, and communities as part of the research led SmartFarm.”

Partnering with Agriculture Victoria, the Ellinbank SmartFarm is dedicated to advancing sustainable and productive farming practices through the development of innovative solutions. As Australia’s premier dairy innovation facility, the SmartFarm plays an important role in showcasing new technology that can benefit the industry.

The Ellinbank SmartFarm is committed to becoming the world’s first carbon neutral grazing-based dairy farm, making it an ideal partner for Gaia EnviroTech. Once installed, the AD facility will demonstrate on-farm energy generation technology to complement their other alternative energy generation, and offset grid-sourced electricity. It will also showcase a low maintenance and convenient process to realise the value of digestate nutrients for the benefit of soils and pasture. The installation of the Gaia AD facility will reduce the site’s carbon footprint and methane emissions from decomposing manure, leading to carbon credit revenue.

Gaia EnviroTech AD services provide access to proven technology for dairy operators and is suitable for rapid implementation thanks to its modular and flexible design, automation, and remote monitoring capability. Positioning Gaia EnviroTech well to play a role in reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy generation.

The partnership between Gaia EnviroTech and Agriculture Victoria at the Ellinbank SmartFarm is a significant development for both organisations, marking an exciting opportunity to advance sustainable and productive farming practices using Gaia’s innovative AD technology.

Website: https://gaia-envirotech.com/

About Gaia EnviroTech

Gaia EnviroTech, based in Ballarat, Victoria, provides automated waste management services that are both innovative and sustainable. With its in-house engineering capability and AD laboratory, the company has developed modular and flexible solutions that can be tailored to specific needs. Gaia’s aim is to de-carbonise the food manufacturing, processing, and intensive agriculture industries by producing renewable biogas and diverting organic waste from landfill.


Gaia EnviroTech Biodigester installed at a Victorian dairy operation 

Aerial view Ellinbank SmartFarm

Gaia EnviroTech, CEO, Michael Renehan

Release date: April 20, 2023
Contact: Michael Renehan
E-mail: michael.renehan@gaia-enviro.com


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