Jul 2023

New Zealand representatives attend the Protected Cropping Australia (PCA) Conference

New Zealand representatives attend the Protected Cropping Australia (PCA) Conference
Plant Empowerment, Vertical Farming, Climate Change, Energy and Renewables, Nutrition and Irrigation, Post Harvest and much more!

In July I attended the Protected Cropping Australia Conference in Brisbane. Over 700 delegates from Australia, New Zealand and around the world attended.  Over the next few months, I will be writing articles about various presentations.

It was great to catch up with other New Zealand delegates attending the conference.  There was a wide range of presentations – (including myself).  My presentation focused on the standard substrates used in greenhouse vegetable production and why growers prefer one over another.

The hardest aspect of the conference was deciding which presentation to attend as three rooms were running concurrently.  The exhibition hall was filled with 52 exhibitors.  With all the new and interesting products, I was like a kid in a candy store.

The conference did not disappoint, it was informative a great opportunity to network and to bring the growers and industry suppliers together.  Keep an eye out for future articles related to the PCA Conference 2023.

Keep a look out for articles related to:

  • Plant Empowerment
  • Vertical Farming / Climate Change
  • Energy and Renewables
  • Nutrition and Irrigation
  • Post Harvest

Photo Gallery Below:

From Left, Jon Harris, Technical Manager Horticentre.  Daniel Sutton, Research Development & Extension Manager Vegetables NZ.  Dinah Cohen, Business Manager TomatoesNZ

Left, Arie Van Der Houwen Managing Director and Owner of Exception Limited based in Tuakau. (NZ largest cucumber supplier)

FTEK ever present showcasing their newest piece of kit the RLAP pollination attachment.

The convention centre offered superb facilities for each of the breakout rooms.

The exhibition hall was brimming with over 50 exhibitors.

Great to catch up with a familiar face, Julien Fitte, Area Sales Manager Asia-Pacific, Richel Group®.  The Richel Group recently finished a large greenhouse project for LeaderBrand in Gisborne.

Left Ivan Castells  representing Roam Technology.


Article compiled by Stefan Vogrincic

All Article’s checked and edited by Marie Vogrincic.  For all media releases please send to marie@grower2grower.co.nz or upload directly: https://www.grower2grower.co.nz/article-form/

I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page or email: stefan@grower2grower.co.nz



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