Aug 2021

Nursery Trade Day Hamilton (Cancelled)

Nursery Trade Day Hamilton (Cancelled)

New Technology and Innovations (Cancelled)


Sorry, bad news . . .

Dear Trade Day Visitors

As you may have already guessed, we will not be able to go ahead with our Trade Day next Wednesday because of Covid.

With the Auckland lockdown not ending until Tuesday midnight, there is no time for exhibitors to set up and there is also concern that the lockdown may be further extended.

We are looking at the possibility of re-scheduling the show for later this year and will keep you posted if this becomes a reality.

Once again, please accept our apologies but we really have no options. Keep safe and we all look forward to better times ahead.

The Trade Day Team


The nursery trade is back this year on Wednesday the 25th of August in Hamilton.  Last year the event was unfortunately disrupted by a sudden lockdown.  The day the trade day stands went up there was no indication that later that day Auckland was to go into a sudden and immediate lockdown.   Only around one third of registered visitors attended the trade day which was unfortunate considering the effort that had gone into the event. 

Hopefully this year the event will go ahead without any unforeseen issues. This is a great chance to have a look around at some of the amazing growers and suppliers in our nursery industry.  Many of these growers have types of protected cropping structures to grow plants.  This year I will be looking for new technology and innovations to report back to Grower2Grower readers in two weeks’ time.

For anyone that has a display, if you see me there and think you have a topic or product of interest, please feel free to grab me as I am walking by.

Trade Days are exhibition and selling days for growers and/or sellers of plants, dry goods or horticultural services.

Admission for visitors is free and open to anyone in or associated with the garden industry. Not open to the general public.

The North Is Trade Day will be held on Wednesday 25th August 2021 in Hamilton at the Claudelands Event Centre

The next South Is Trade Day is to be March 2022 in ChCh at the Lincoln Event Centre (date to be confirmed)




I appreciate your comments.  Please feel free to comment on the grower2grower Facebook page:



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