Jul 2023

Spray Diaries, Energy Questionnaire, and Tomatoes NZ AGM

Spray Diaries, Energy Questionnaire, and Tomatoes NZ AGM
TomatoesNZ requires growers’ assistance

Spray Diaries:

 TomatoesNZ is conducting a trial with beneficial insects as part of A Lighter Touch programming. We have been asked to obtain spray diaries from our growers so that these can be used as a way to benchmark where spraying use is currently at for comparisons in later years.

This will allow us to see if grower habits with spraying are changing and therefore, in time, measure the success of the project. The spray diaries would be sent to A Lighter Touch anonymised. They can be in any format but need to include the location (e.g., South Auckland) and product rates in volumes/ha from 1st July 2021 to 30 June 2022.

Deadline for this is the end of August so all grower cooperation is appreciated.


Energy Questionnaire:


The TomatoesNZ board is aware that energy is a huge concern for covered crop growers and we are focusing a large amount of resource in this area to help growers reduce their energy demands and switch to more sustainable energy supplies. To help us target funding opportunities, it would be helpful if you could complete this survey for your business. This form should be available in Korean and Chinese although using Google Translate so apologise if the translation isn’t perfect.



The TomatoesNZ AGM takes place at 5pm Wednesday 2nd August in person at Te Pae. We would love to see you there but if you can’t make it, please email Dinah info@tomatoesnz.co.nz for a Zoom link.

As part of the AGM, Nigel Brunel, Head of Commodities & Carbon Trading at Jarden, will be talking to us about the future of ETS. Participating online, you will still be able to vote in motions. If you’re not able to join us at all, please consider completing a proxy form.

Proxy voting and the 2023 Annual report are available to download here: https://www.tomatoesnz.co.nz/about/2022-agm/


For more detail contact:

Dinah Cohen

Business Manager TomatoesNZ

M: 021 922 414 Phone: 04 470 5666

A: Level 4, 20 Ballance St, Wellington 6011


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